Hannah Rothstein – Thanksgiving Special

In a series of photos entitled “Thanksgiving Special”, San Francisco-based artist Hannah Rothstein imagines Thanksgiving dinner platters as constructed by famous artists throughout history. Gravy, corn, mashed potatoes, and cranberry sauce, and even the plate itself is used as a medium for edible artworks in the style of iconic painters such as Jackson Pollock, Cindy Sherman, Georges Seurat, and Vincent van Gogh.

Piet Mondrian

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Kylie Mangles – Ralph Wiggum Cake

Canada-based cake designer Kylie Mangles (Freshly Squeez’d) captured the most uncanny details in this edible sculpture that looks almost like an illustration. Mangles decided to recreate an illustration by Erick Flores entitled “Cutout Ralph.” The image is half likeness and half dissected body of Ralph Wiggum from The Simpsons.

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Akihiro Mizuuchi – Chocolate LEGO

Illustrator and designer Akihiro Mizuuchi now brings LEGO to our mouths the edible way. Instead of trying to gnaw on plastic pieces like we did as children, Mizuuchi has created chocolate bricks of LEGO that can be used to build as well as taste delicious.

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