The Creative Lives Season 2 – Cleon Peterson

In its second season, The Creative Lives has release a mini-documentary about the life and times of artist Cleon Peterson. TCL takes a look at Peterson’s extensive and exceptional career and interviews the artist himself as well as many important people in his development. This is what TCL had to say about the video:

Cleon Peterson‘s cruel images of violence assault our senses, yet his goal is not to shock but to dissuade the negative world he sees unfurling around him. War, rape, distrust and dishonor are depicted in classical landscapes framed as if an 18th century oil. Raised in Seattle, Cleon’s mother, a former ballerina, pushed his talent to great lengths, encouraging Cleon to get his GED at age 14 and start attending art college. Brilliant but addicted, Cleon struggled, eventually ending up in a criminally ordered asylum, where he got clean and started to define his unique vision.”

Some more image previews and video and some more after the jump.

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